I thought they were made to rest, to relax, but in my case I am working.. Every Sunday from 10 am to 6 pm and to top it off Sundays are in all actuality my Mondays. Oh Yippeee! I woke up this morning and felt like crap, just emotionally numb and blah. I would have given anything to just stay home in bed w/ the covers over my head, but I got up and took a shower and went to work my 8 hours. It was an ok day. But like I said Sundays are a day for rest, for spending it w/ the ones you love. I keep telling myself that it is all worth it. We have a plan. I am working to pay off one of our two cars and a few other bills. Our plan is that when we have a baby and we will, I will quit working and stay home w/ our child. Then after a year or so depending where we are at I will return to school. I love this plan and was so looking forward to quitting in November right before Christmas to stay home w/ our new baby.. But sadly it was not meant to be..

So I have been eating very badly! I had Doritos, chocolate cadbury eggs, and Diet Pepsi.. I am such a bad girl! I told Ron we had to get rid of all of this crap!! We do not keep it on the house for a reason! But w/ our friends here I felt compelled to buy the bad evil stuff...LOL Excuses, excuses.. TRUTH: I am bummed and wanted to eat crappy food.. But as of tomorrow it all goes in the garbage.. Back to Lean Cuisines and fresh fruits and veggies, YUM!

I have not written in my journal in so long.. I was thinking nobody was reading it.. But today I got a comment! It made my day.. So thank you for reading..LOL
I am off to bed, I am so tired! Being emotionally numb really sucks the life out of you!
Dude, I have been stalking your blog almost every day for the past few months in hopes that there would be a new post one day!!! So thank you!!! Goofball. :)
I am sorry you had to work. You totally deserved to spend the day in bed, and for sure don't beat up on yourself for eating the junk! I've been doing the same thing, and I don't even have a good reason. So enjoy.
I will be back on the fruits and veggies today as well, so we can comiseriate together...heh.
Love ya.
OH, don't you stop blogging now young lady!!!!!
How else will I know how you are doing?
Love ya.
Man! I can't believe it! You went MONTHS without posting. I used to check everyday. Then I started checking once a week and now I have a whole bunch to catch up on!!!
Working sucks! Especially on Sundays. But you have a good plan. And someday, you'll be spending Sundays with Ron and your children. I do know this!!
Love you much!!
You guys made me cry!!! I love you both!
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