Today I spent the day w/ my two God-daughters and their mom's at the Pacific Science Center.. It was a hard day. There were children and babies everywhere. I started counting all of the pregnant women I saw. There were ones w/ tiny Baby Bumps and then there were ones ready to pop. I lost count at 19. They were everywhere. I saw families w/ 5 and 6 children.. I had to sit down at one point cause I was cramping so hard.. Here I was surrounded by all of these children finishing up my MC. It took everything in me to keep it together.. I just wondered why God thought one child was to much to ask for??
We just got home and I am having a Diet Pepsi (W/ Caffeine) and 2 shots of Captain Morgan. Yes you heard correctly.. For two years I have watched what I eat, I do not take medicine unless I have to, I do not drink except occasionally, I gave up caffeine, I do not use an electric blanket, I do not go in hot tubs... There are so many things I do not do just in case I am pregnant or ovulating... Well I am living a little today...LOL
Our friends actually spent the night and we watched a movie last night when the girls fell asleep. It was called Carolina.. It was a good movie, but of course there was an unplanned pregnancy in there...LOL There
We did have fun yesterday.. The girls thought we lived in a hotel cause we have an elevator that takes us to the 5th floor where we live..LOL Ashtyn who is 4 had to be the one to push the buttons in the elevator.. So adorable. They had so much fun tormenting the cats, and exploring new things. My favorite was when we were all not paying attention they scooped the dry cat food out of the container and poured it into their water bowl.. I guess that is one way to make wet cat food..LOL
Being a parent is hard work, I think it is the hardest job any woman or man can ever have! I watch them tag team their girls who are 2 and 4 and am amazed, what a handful they are.. There is so much to do and so many needs that have to be met.. Ashtyn and Hadleigh or such opposites and need different things from their moms'. Even knowing that I would not be able to sleep in anymore, and that life would never be the same I still want to be a mom more than anything.. Am I crazy!! I think so..LOL
I am off to cuddle up on the couch w/ my wonderful husband who is having a very hard time I might add... We are going to watch some more Buffy, maybe take a nap.. I am getting buzzed on a Saturday Afternoon and loving every minute of it..
Oh, I plan on joining a gym next week.. Wish me luck! I hope I can stick w/ it...
Good for you, have another drink if you want. You have such strength & faith. I really admire you.
~~~~~BIG HUGS~~~~~
Ok, I want to get back to the gym too, so I will if you will. ;)
And glad you decided to live a little, life is too short to spend it waiting for what may be.
And you WILL get your baby. It's just the when that is in question.
Much love Erin.
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