I have had a rough few days... I backed our Subaru into our temporary home this weekend and shattered the back window... I was
devastated, my dearest husband Ron just laughed, and told me it was
ok. He said it is just a window, hugged me, helped me clean it up and then we took the other car to see Transformers... (Very good movie by the way, some cheesy parts, but good. I grew up watching the cartoon, so I loved it..
LOL) I called my insurance this morning and we have to pay a $250.00 deductible... With only Ron working and paying for school....things have been a little tight.. We do not have $250.00 sitting around... We just put some money into hotel reservations in CA. We are driving down to spend a few days with Ron's Mom and Step-Dad at the end of August... I have never met them and am really nervous... Anyway...It has been one thing after another lately.
originally moved back to this side of the water so that Ron could go back to school... He decided to apply at the Naval Shipyard in
Bremerton, WA and that was 7 months ago... We have been waiting to see if he gets into there apprentice program.. When I had the MC he told me to quit and go back to school... So I did... We have been living on my surrogate parents property for the last 7 months in my Dad's 36 1/2 ft travel trailer... It has been nice because before I quit we put a lot of money into bills and got some Credit cards paid off... But now it is tight... Thank God we do not have to pay rent... We pay for electricity and for food.... Because Sharon, my Surrogate Mom is always cooking for us...
LOL Anyway, Ron will hear something from the Shipyard by the end of July... If he does not get into the program, we will have to move back to Seattle... Both of us really want to stay here, but you have to do what you have to do... Right???
I just feel like
every time we turn around the door closes.... Sharon said today that with all the doors closing at least one has to open... God, I really hope so.... We are so ready... Poor Ron just works his but off and he hates his job so much! He gets up every morning and goes to a place he hates... He spends about 3 hours a day commuting and
some days it is 4 hours... And he does this for me.... He really is an amazing man, friend, and husband... He is my everything. I can not believe in 2 months it will be 1 year of marriage! I fall more in love with him every day! I hope that in 20 years I feel the same way! I know that I will..... He is truly my heart......
We have taken a break from temping and stressing this month... We are just having good old fashioned Sex!!! And it has been wonderful!! I think I am going to make an appointment next month with my OB/
Gyn and get some tests done.. I just need to know for my own sanity that all is well.... I have been trying to eat well... Been doing Weight Watchers and have lost 10.8 lbs.. I wish I did not struggle with my weight so bad... I have always been a "big" girl... Tall and fat.. Lovely, huh! Anyway, I worry that being overweight has a lot to do w/ not getting pregnant??? My Ob/
Gyn has assured me that fat people get pregnant all the time... She said it much nicer...
LOL I am just so unsure of our future... I really believe it will all work out...I just am wondering what path we start on next?? What journey is in store for us! Whatever it is we will make the best of it, because
that's what we do! As long as we have
each other, we are good to go......