Brinnon has filled my heart, he is my everything. His smile lights up my whole world. I just never knew that I could love like this. He is 6 months old and amazing.
It has been a rough 6 months. He just started sleeping more than 2 hours at a time. between sleep deprivation and all the crying I was at times ready to go crazy. Even with all the ups and downs I would not trade him for anything. It is hard for me to get on the computer anymore because he is constantly in need of my services. He loves to just go go go! He wants to be moving, exploring and learning all the time. He rolls over every which way, loves to stand and has a one track mind. He got his first tooth at 5 months and his second is coming in now too. Teething has been pretty challenging, but this too shall pass. He is constantly doing new things. He just signed his first word to me (Milk)! So cool, except now he wants milk all the time and breastfeeding all the time does not work so well. I can't believe I am still breastfeeding. It has been such a challenge but we are plugging away! I love it and so does he. I tried to give him formula and he refused it, I would too it tastes icky!

sooo cute...
u are so lucky...
Hi there you don't know me but I took a look at your blog and I loved it. I'm a new mommy myself and me and my little man spent his first nine months just the two of us while my husband was deployed. The birth was complicated and I wasn't sure if he was going to be there when I woke up so I feel lucky everyday to have him here. You sound like your doing a great job and I hope you keep writing. Good luck to you and your little guy!!!
es muy lindo :)
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